Article I
The name of this organization shall be SIOUXLAND REPUBLICAN WOMEN also known as SRW
Article II
Section 1. The Objectives of this organization shall be:
[a] To promote an informed citizenry through political education and activity
[b] To increase the effectiveness of women 'in the cause of good government
[c] To foster loyalty to the South Dakota Republican Party by promoting its principles and the SD Republican platform.
[d] To support the objectives and policies of the Republican Party of the Siouxland area.
[e] To work for the election of the Republican Party Nominees in the Siouxland area.
Article III
Section 1. Eligibility
[ a] Membership in this organization is open to all Republican women and men who
support the purposes of the Republican Party and comply with the bylaws of the Club.
Section 2. Types of Memberships
[a] Active Membership: For women who wish to actively participate in the Club. She is a
member in good standing, one whose dues are current. She can hold office, be on a
committee, make motions, and vote. Active members will receive all mailings and will be
notified of meetings and events.
[b] Associate Membership: For any Republican man upon payment of required annual
dues. They may attend meetings hut cannot make motions, have a voice, a vote, be on a committee, or hold office. They will receive all mailings and be notified of meetings and
[e] Student Membership: For young women and men in high school or college, ages 16-25 years old. Students cannot hold office, make motions or vote but female students may be on a committee. Student members will receive all mailings and be notified of meetings and events.
Section 3. Qualifications for a Club
[a] The Club shall consist of ten or more Republican women who organize, adopt
Bylaws, pay dues and meet at least five times in a twelve month period.
Article IV
Officers and Their Duties
Section 1. Eligibility
·[a] Each elected officer and board member must have their club dues paid by no later than January 1 of each year in order to be a member in good standing unless she receives prior approval by the President. All officers and board members must be in good standing to be eligible to participate in board activities and board meetings.
Section 2. Officers
[ a] Elected officers of the Siouxland Republican Women shall be President, Vice .j President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Immediate Past President is also an officer.
[b] These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these Bylaws and the
Parliamentary authority adopted by the Club.
Section 3. Term
[a] Club officers shall serve a term of two full years.
[b] New terms begin in odd numbered years.
[c] An officer may be re-elected for a consecutive term in the same office, but may serve
no more than two consecutive terms in the same office. No member shall hold more than
one office at a time. There must be at least one term separating election into the same
office after serving two consecutive terms.
[d] The term of office shall be from January 1 following the election through
December 31, two years hence.
Section 4. Vacancies
[a] Vacancies in Club offices shall be filled by appointment of the Board of Directors.
[b] If there is a vacancy in a position before the completion of half the term the
reappointment to that position will be considered a full term. If the position is filled after
half the term is completed. the appointment will not be considered as a full term.
Section 5; Duties of the President
[a] To preside at all meetings of the Club, the Executive and Board of Directors meetings.
[b] To represent the Club at all times, or designate someone as their representative,
providing the Vice President is unable to do so.
[c] To appoint the Chair of all special committees and the Nominating
[d] To prepare an annual budget, with assistance of the Treasurer, and present it to the
Board of Directors for approval.
[e] To sign checks if the Treasurer is absent or unable to do so.
[f] To be ex-officio member of all committees
[g] To make recommendations for Member at Large positions.
[h] To be a good steward of all Club property including confidential membership information.
Section 6. Duties of the Vice President
[a] The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in her absence. She shall
perform such other duties as shall be assigned to her by the President.
[b] The Vice President, in conjunction with the club President, shall be responsible for the year's program. The programs shall be presented for input and approval at the monthly Board of Directors meetings.
[c] To be a good steward of all Club property including confidential membership information.
Section 7. Duties of the Recording Secretary
[a] To keep the minutes of the Club, the Executive and Board of Directors meetings.
[b] To be custodian of all records and papers pertaining to her office.
[c] To conduct correspondence of the Club as directed by the Club President.
[dJ To perform such other duties as are assigned to her by the Club President.
[e] To be a good steward of all Club property including confidential membership information.
Section 8. Duties of the Treasurer
[a] To be custodian of all funds of the Club and report thereon at all meetings.
[b] To collect all funds and deposit in the specified bank.
[c] To disperse funds for budgeted and authorized expenses.
d] To keep a list of names and other demographic and contact information of all
[e] To keep an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements, to complete reports as
required by the Secretary of State's office.
[f] To be an ex-officio member of the Fundraising Committee
[g] To assist the President in preparing an annual budget
[h] To be a good steward of all Club property including confidential membership information.
Section 9. Official Records
[ a] In order ensure a proper and smooth transition, all officers and all board members must deliver all records, files, and properties of the Club which include passwords to the club email account, password to the website, social media accounts and banking information to the newly elected and appointed officers by no later than January 5 of the year when newly elected officers take office. Any such board member or officer that does not comply may face expulsion from both the board and the club.
[b] All information discussed at board meetings is confidential and not for public discussion. All records including membership lists are considered confidential information. Because we have made a promise to our members not to share their personal information with other groups or individuals, any officer or board member found to be sharing confidential club business with any outside entity will be expelled from the board and the club immediately.
Section 10 . Meetings & Events
The Club shall hold meetings on the third Monday of the month or any such day as the board decides. Additional meetings may be approved by the Board of Directors.
[b] Club business will be transacted at the monthly meeting, except for special circumstances as agreed upon by the Board of Directors.
[c] Events and fundraisers that fall outside of the monthly business meetings are not to take the place of regularly scheduled meetings unless approved by the board.
[d] Any event sponsored by SRW requires board approval.
Section 11. Logo
[a] The SRW logo is owned by the club and cannot be reproduced or duplicated without express permission from the club via the Board of Directors or President. Duplication of the logo shall not be for purposes of personal gain.
Article V
Board of Directors and Executive Committee
Section 1. Board of Directors
[a] The voting body of the Board of Directors shall be: the elected officers, two Members
at Large, the immediate past president.
Section 2. Duties of the Board of Directors
[a] To act as the governing body and transact the business of the Club.
[bJ To make recommendations to the Club regarding proposed amendments and Bylaws.
[cl To fill vacancies in elected offices that occurs between elections.
[d] To adopt the annual budget.
[e] The two Members at Large positions shall be presented by the President and voted
upon at the January Board of Directors meeting or as soon thereafter as there are persons
agreeing to fill the positions.
Section 3. Meetings of the Board of Directors
[a] The Board of Directors will meet each month, the
time and place shall be determined by the Club President.
[b] Special meetings may be called by the President or at the request of three members.
Only business specified in the call may be transacted.
[c] At the discretion of the President, a vote may be taken by mail, phone, text, or email.
This does not replace any regularly scheduled Board of Directors meeting. A report on
the issue will be given at the next Board of Directors meeting.
Section 4. Quorum for the Board of Directors
[a] A quorum shall be a simple majority of the filled positions on the Board for all
meetings of the Board of Directors.
Section 5. Executive Committee
[ a] The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected officers and the Immediate Past
Section 6. Duties of the Executive Committee
[a] The Executive Committee shall meet for the consideration of special matters between
regular meetings of the Club.
[b J The Executive Committee shall approve initial standing committee appointments as
recommended by the President at the beginning of her term. Subsequent openings during
the term shall be approved by the whole Board of Directors.
Section 7. Meetings of the Executive Committee
[a] The Executive Committee shall meet at the call of the President or at the request of
three members
Section 8. Quorum for the Executive Committee
[a] A quorum shall be a majority of the members of the Executive Committee
Article VI
Committees and Public Relations
Section 1. Committees
Special Committees-Non-voting
[a] Special Committees/Appointments designated by the President, may include, but not
be limited to the following: Auditing, Parliamentarian, Chaplain, Historian, and Women
For America (to show our care and concern for our military and for people in our
Community, State and Country).
[b] At large non-voting committees may be appointed by the President and Vice-President as the need arises.
[c] Committee members' terms shall run concurrent with the President's term.
[d] Public Relations: It shall be the duty of the President or whomever she assigns, to promote programs and activities through available news media; revise and update the SRW
website; updating Facebook and Twitter are subject to the President's discretion and
Article VII
Nominations and Elections
Section 1. Nominations
[a] A Nominating Committee of at least three members shall be nominated and elected by
the membership at the August meeting in the year of a Club election.
[b] The Nominating Committee shall submit one nominee for each Club office in a report
to be submitted at the November Club meeting in the year of a Club election.
[c] Nominees shall be members in good standing and must give their consent to serve if
elected. Nominees should have a clear understanding of the responsibilities of their
[d] Nominations may be made from the floor provided the nominee has given her consent
to serve if elected;
Section 2. Elections
[a] Elections shall be by ballot and a majority of all votes cast shall constitute an election.
When there is only one candidate for an office, election maybe by voice vote.
[b] Election of Club officers shall be held at the regular business meeting in
November in even numbered years.
[c] Installation of the newly elected officers may be held at the November or December
(d) The newly elected officers shall begin serving January 1 of odd numbered years.
[e] Newly elected officers and appointed Committee Chairmen will be given a copy of the bylaws by the outgoing President.
Article VIII
Dues and Fiscal Year
Section 1. Per Capita Dues
[a] The amount of dues will be set forth annually in September of each year by the Board
of Directors. Any change in dues requires a majority vote of the Club members present at
the September business meeting. Prime consideration for the dues amount will be to meet
the financial needs of the Club for the following year.
[b) Membership dues are by our Fiscal Year from January 1 to December 31, but will be
accepted any time during the year. Renewal membership dues will be given a grace
period to be paid by January 30; after which they are considered non-renewed. New or
renewal member dues received in September will be applied to the remainder of the year
as well as the upcoming year.
[c] The annual membership dues of Siouxland Republican Women shall be disbursed by
the local Club for budgeted activities as per the Board of Directors.
Section 2. Fiscal Year
[a] The Fiscal Year shall be from January 1 through December 31.
Article IX
Section 1. Who may be Impeached
[a] Officers and/or board members may be impeached on the basis of not fulfilling the purposes and policies of the organization as outlined in the SRW Constitution and Bylaws or for violation of financial procedures.
Section 2. Initiation of Impeachment Proceedings
[ a] Any board member of the organization may initiate impeachment proceedings by giving written notice to the President. If it is the President who is being impeached notice should be given to the Vice President.
Section 3. Ad-Hoc Committee of Inquiry
[a] Upon formal notification, it is the responsibility of the President (or Vice President) to
convene an Ad-Hoc Committee of Inquiry to consider the filed allegations. The
committee shall consist of the Executive Board members (minus any members) up for
impeachment) and three non-board members as appointed by the President (or Vice President).
Section 4. Notice of Allegations
[a] Any individual who is impeached shall be given full notice of the allegations against her and shall have an opportunity to respond to them.
Section 5. Ad-Hoc Committee of Inquiry Recommendations
[a] The Ad-Hoc Committee of Inquiry will investigate the allegations, determine the
validity of the charges, and make recommendations regarding sanctioning to the Board of
Directors for its consideration.
[b] Recommendations for sanctioning must be voted on by the Board of Directors. An
approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the Board of Directors present shall permit the matter to
be brought before the entire membership
[c] Recommendations for sanctioning made by the Ad-Hoc Committee of Inquiry and
approved by the Board of Directors, must be approved by two-thirds (2/3) of the
members present and voting at a monthly Club business meeting in order to be implemented. ' .
Section 6. Possible Sanctions
[ a] Possible sanctions include, but are not limited to; removal from office and/or, removal
from membership, reprimand, and/or censure.
Section 7. Appeal of Sanctions
[a] An individual may appeal her sanction by submitting an appeal request to the
President within ten (10) calendar days of her notification of the sanction. If it is the
President who has been sanctioned, appeals should be directed to the Vice President.
Section 8. Basis for Appeal
[a] An appeal may be requested only on the basis of one of the following two claims:
1) That there was procedural error in the' conduct of the impeachment proceedings.
2) That there is significant new evidence which was previously not available.
Section 9. Decision on Appeal
[a] The President shall determine whether there are grounds for appeal and may choose
to affirm the sanction or remand the case for a rehearing by a new Ad-Hoc Committee of
Inquiry. The new committee will include Board of Director members and club members
not on the previous ad-hoc committee.
Section 10. Appeal Hearing
[a} If an appeal hearing is granted based upon one of the conditions in Section 8, it will
be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Sections 5-6, and with new evidence
submitted or procedural error removed.
Article X
Parliamentary Authority
Robert's Rule of Order, Newly Revised, or the latest edition shall govern in all instances where
they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws and any special
rules of order the Club may adopt.
Article XI
Amendment of Bylaws
All proposed amendments shall be presented to the Board of Directors prior to presentation to
the Club. The amendments must then be submitted in writing at the next regular monthly
business meeting, in the next monthly membership newsletter, or via email to membership
before a vote by members could be taken. These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of members present at any regular business meeting.
Article XII
Standing Rules
Section 1. Definition of Standing Rules
[a] Standing Rules relate to the details of the administration of the Club rather than to the
parliamentary procedure, and can be adopted or changed upon the same conditions as any
ordinary act of the Club.
[b] A standing rule can be adopted by a majority vote at any business meeting without
previous notice. Any presented Standing Rule will be reviewed by and recommended to
the membership by the Board of Directors.
[c] A Standing Rule remains in effect until rescinded or amended.
Section 2. Board Meeting Attendance
[ a] Elected officers and Standing, Committee Chairs are expected to be in attendance at
monthly Board Meetings. If they miss three consecutive meetings, they may be asked to
step down per recommendation of the President and vote of the Board of Directors.
Section 3 SRW Expense Guide
[a] The Club President may be reimbursed with prior board approval, for expenses incurred in running the Club.
This will include attendance at special meetings or conventions per Board of Directors
approval. It may include, but is not limited to transportation, hotel, meals, and
registration fees.
[b} Any and all expenses must have prior board approval. If approval is not secured beforehand, the board member and/or official will not be reimbursed
Section 4. SRW Programming/Education Guide
[a]. Monthly meeting programs and any community education will be structured to
provide information and education that supports the Republican perspective/platform.
This precludes registered Democrats from being part of the program or speaking. Any
exception to this must have approval of the Board of Directors.
Article XIII
Candidate Funding
Section 1. Policy To Determine Candidate Funding
[ a] Siouxland Republican Women Board of Directors will determine contributions to
Republican candidates based on the following priorities:
1) The SRW Board will determine specific criteria and will take a vote on the distribution of contributions which may or may not include the following:
a) SRW female members running for elected County office, State
Constitutional office or legislative office, with a race.
b.) Women in the Siouxland area who are not members of SRW and are
running for an office noted above, with a race.
c.) SRW male members running for an office noted above, with a race.
d.) Men in the Siouxland area who are not members of SRW and are
running for an office noted above, with a race.
[b] SRW will follow all State and Federal Campaign finance laws